Why Regent University?

Simply put – God called me here. When my wife and I were still dating in 2005, I worked at a place I loved, lived near friends and family in Ohio, and I was all set to go to another university on a full-ride scholarship. Yet, there was a sense of unrest – God was whispering and I listened... In a matter of two months, we quit our jobs, got married and moved here to get a degree at Regent. There is no question that Regent was the right choice.

Why Online Learning?

As a direct result of earning a Christian education, I have a better grasp of my roles as a Christian, a husband, a lifelong learner, a friend, a follower, and a leader. Moreover, earning a degree is a very fulfilling yet difficult experience. I can’t imagine earning it without the support and encouragement of dedicated Christian faculty and the freedom (and expectation) to grapple with spiritual challenges in the context of the classroom.

Why A Business Degree?

Leadership is interesting, relevant and applicable. Leadership is everywhere but it is not understood by many people. Also, there is a critical need for good leadership everywhere. Last, leadership is essential influence, and without influence, one cannot change the world. The real question is, “Why not a leadership degree?”


Home Stretch

Q: So, Kyle... now that you have graduated, what are you going to do now?

A: Take another class.

Yes, that is right. I am one of those "lucky" ones that still have another class to complete in the summer. OLAM 486 is its name and research and writing is the game... and lots of it. They call it the culminating experience, and I suppose it is, but I would have preferred commencement to have been my culminating experience.

This course should prove to be quite challenging. Time management will be a huge factor. I can't imagine trying to work full time, keep up two blogs, write for a magazine, build a web site, maintain relationships, bathe once in a while, sleep once in a while, pray a whole lot (becuase you know I can't do it by myself) and do this last class. Well, okay, everything is true except for the bathing... I do that every day--honestly.