Why Regent University?

Simply put – God called me here. When my wife and I were still dating in 2005, I worked at a place I loved, lived near friends and family in Ohio, and I was all set to go to another university on a full-ride scholarship. Yet, there was a sense of unrest – God was whispering and I listened... In a matter of two months, we quit our jobs, got married and moved here to get a degree at Regent. There is no question that Regent was the right choice.

Why Online Learning?

As a direct result of earning a Christian education, I have a better grasp of my roles as a Christian, a husband, a lifelong learner, a friend, a follower, and a leader. Moreover, earning a degree is a very fulfilling yet difficult experience. I can’t imagine earning it without the support and encouragement of dedicated Christian faculty and the freedom (and expectation) to grapple with spiritual challenges in the context of the classroom.

Why A Business Degree?

Leadership is interesting, relevant and applicable. Leadership is everywhere but it is not understood by many people. Also, there is a critical need for good leadership everywhere. Last, leadership is essential influence, and without influence, one cannot change the world. The real question is, “Why not a leadership degree?”



“This service is a very special time dedicated to worshiping God and commissioning our graduates to take the training they have received through Regent into the marketplace and world to make a difference for Christ”

Commissioning and Commencement often get confused. Even internally within Regent when speaking about two events, the opposite word will slip out. So, I thought I would take a moment to breakdown what commissioning is all about solely based on my interpretation of the preceding description.

First, we are there to worship God. In everything we do we should worship God. The way in which we speak to people, fulfill the duties of our jobs, and raise our children are all ways in which we can worship Him by fulfilling His commands.

Second, “commissioning” means to grant authority to someone. We are being granted the authority to move into the world on Christ’s behalf. We have studied and learned as apprentices, but it is now time to take that training and make a difference.

Third, we are taking our training into the marketplace. That marketplace is in not just mainstream business, but the marketplace of interaction within our communities and families. Anywhere there is exchange of goods, services, or ideas can be a marketplace. This broad definition places us in the realm of responsibility 24 hours each day.

Last, we are taking our training, into the marketplace, to make a difference for Christ. Not for each other, not for pride, not for material possessions, but for Christ. We are not only granted the authority but we are charged with changing the world. We can change the world one person at a time if necessary, but it can and will change.

Just as our students have received and followed a call to study our respective fields from a biblical perspective at Regent University, so now our graduates are charged with engaging in their fields with the same perspective. So, go forth bravely into this needy world, dear graduates. Go forth with your authority and your mission, and change the world for Christ.


sarahc said...

i dont know if i already said this, but congrats on the whole graduating thing! im very proud of you!