Why Regent University?

Simply put – God called me here. When my wife and I were still dating in 2005, I worked at a place I loved, lived near friends and family in Ohio, and I was all set to go to another university on a full-ride scholarship. Yet, there was a sense of unrest – God was whispering and I listened... In a matter of two months, we quit our jobs, got married and moved here to get a degree at Regent. There is no question that Regent was the right choice.

Why Online Learning?

As a direct result of earning a Christian education, I have a better grasp of my roles as a Christian, a husband, a lifelong learner, a friend, a follower, and a leader. Moreover, earning a degree is a very fulfilling yet difficult experience. I can’t imagine earning it without the support and encouragement of dedicated Christian faculty and the freedom (and expectation) to grapple with spiritual challenges in the context of the classroom.

Why A Business Degree?

Leadership is interesting, relevant and applicable. Leadership is everywhere but it is not understood by many people. Also, there is a critical need for good leadership everywhere. Last, leadership is essential influence, and without influence, one cannot change the world. The real question is, “Why not a leadership degree?”



I thought my first post should be somewhat of an introduction. I am what educators call, "a non-traditional student." I am older than 25 (I will keep you guessing), and I had been out of school for quite some time between high school and the time I started at a community college in Ohio.

Originally, I hail from Buffalo, NY (a.k.a. the city that gets snow dumped on it several times a year). I also spent time growing up in West Springfield, MA as well as near Cleveland, OH. In addition to the school of hard knocks, I have attended three different elementary schools, three different high schools, as well as one community college prior to Regent; thus, I consider myself to have a wide educational background. :) After I graduate this summer, I plan to take some time off from school in order to focus on my next two goals in life... buidling a family and a post-school career.

I have had many different life experiences prior to coming to Regent University and most certainly many experiences before coming to Christ. My worklife has consisted mostly of restaurant management, sales, not-for-profit, and various other experiences. In my posts, I will often share some of these things with you - my faithful readers - and some of these things will remain between God and me (wouldn't want to ruin the mystery behind the man).

Nonetheless, I hope to share with you things that will make you think - think more, think differently; things that will make you consider - consider yourself, consider your walk with Christ, and consider others; and things that will make you laugh as well as things that will make you cry.

You may identify with my experience having traversed the road less traveled, or your journey may have been vastly different; yet, it is not important. What is important is that God has led us all here to Regent to live out His call upon our lives for His glory. I humbly submit these posts for your consideration, and I would appreciate your input on anything that comes to your mind and heart.

In Christ,

Kyle Graham


Real Marriage Real Talk said...

The road less traveled... wow.. that has certainly been my life. I too am a 'non-traditional' student over the age of twenty-five. I actually love the idea of the road less traveled. Highschool was a similar journey for me. I have never really fit. Attempting to fit was probably the hardest thing all my life, in so much so, I just quit trying finally as a grown up. It has been the most rewarding decision I could have ever made.

The road less traveled is absolutely the most rewarding. I am beginning to think that when Jesus said 'narrow is the way', He meant a lot more than just salvation. He was giving us a blue print for what to expect in life.

This road is lonely, yet you are not alone. It is surreal, yet full of excitement. It is a quiet road and at the same time it is crying out loudly to be a chosen path. Putting one foot in front of the other and taking very deep breaths is sometimes all you have on this road, and with the Holy Spirit's gentle nudge to keep going foward, you just somehow trust and keep stepping.

It is really is the pathway to a successful life... real success.. lasting success. All of our education, though necessary for this life, will fade away, but the way we walk on this road is eternal.